Descriptive Audio
What is Descriptive Audio?
Descriptive Audio (DA) or Audio description is narration that describes important visual details from a scene in a movie or on television. It describes actions, expressions, scene, and other visual details that are important to the story.

Below you can search movie titles to see if they offer descriptive audio and to find out what platform those movies are on. You can also browse movies with descriptive audio by platform.

Descriptive Audio

Descriptive Audio Search

Services that Offer Descriptive Audio

Below is a list of streaming platforms and services that offer Audio Described movies. Click the link for the platform you want to use. Some platforms have directions activating descriptive audio at the top of each page, others are on a separate page, links to activation instructions are included. If Descriptive Audio is already on, click the link to "Jump to titles". This will take you to the list of movies.

Master List (All Movies)


Netflix Activation instructions


Amazon Prime Video

Freevee (free version of Amazon Prime Video, for instructions on enabling descriptive audio refer to the "Amazon Prime Video" link above)

Amazon Prime Video/Freevee Activation instructions


Hulu Activation instructions

Cinema (Movies currently in theaters)

TV Stations

Apple TV+

Google Play Store (Purchase)

Itunes (purchase)




Tubi (free)

Spectrum Access (App)




All links go to the American Council of the Blind Website.
All of their materials related to Audio Description are on their page The Audio Description Project.